

 8月に入りました。今月はいろいろイベントがあり忙しくなりそうです。「スケジュール」というページを新設し、右上にリンクがありますので、ご参照を。差し詰め重要なのは、10日のJOCV合格発表です。これにより今後の予定が大きく左右されます。当ブログの左コラムで、合格発表までのカウントダウンがされています。残り10日を切りました。 7月を振り返りますと、8月よりも濃い月になっていました。AKA医学会PT・OT会の学術集会。JOCV二次試験。札幌呼吸理学療法セミナー。実習生のスーパーバイザー。1週間の夏休みも取っていたので、数えてみると14日しか働いていなかったようです。つまり臨床以外で濃い1ヶ月間となった月でした。当サイトのアクセス数も徐々に増えてきておりまして、昨日は志しを同じくする理学療法士さんから、嬉しいコメントをいただきました。Y.K.さんありがとうございました。7月を良い気持ちで締めくくることができました。
 ではここで本題です。8月で楽しみなイベントとして日本理学療法士会主催の「国際協力のためのファシリテーター養成講座」があります。この講座が公表される少し前に、日本理学療法士協会が加盟する世界理学療法士連盟が、the World Health Professions Alliance(略してWHPA)のメンバーになった、という発表がありました。以下は世界理学療法士連盟が今年5月10日に発表した文章です。

The World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT) this week becomes a member of the World Health Professions Alliance (WHPA) – the international organisation representing health professions. Other members include the global bodies for nurses, physicians, dentists and pharmacists.

The WHPA is now the world’s largest and most powerful body for health professionals. Through its five constituent professional bodies (see list below), which now include WCPT, it represents more than 600 national member organisations, speaking for 26 million health professionals in more than 130 countries.

WCPT’s normal independent campaigning and collaborations will continue. But by also joining a global voice for health professionals, WCPT believes physical therapists will have more influence on campaigning issues, and will have new opportunities to inform initiatives that could benefit millions of patients and service users.

“Joining this coalition gives us the opportunity to work collaboratively with the world’s other health professions, while in no way compromising our independence,” says WCPT President Marilyn Moffat. “By pooling our resources and expertise, we are able to tackle global health issues more effectively and ensure that patients/clients and health care systems benefit.”

For WCPT, the WHPA provides another communication channel between the health professions and key bodies in global health, such as the World Health Organization. The WHPA is particularly concerned with:

· public health

· patient safety

· human rights in health

· regulation of the health professions and collaborative practice

· health human resources and workforce issues

· health care systems

· counterfeit medicines

The Alliance develops statements, fact sheets and advocacy tools on current health issues to influence policy and practice at global, national, and regional levels. It has brought together world health professions on several important initiatives in human rights, patient safety, tobacco control, health human resources and regulation of the health professions, and is currently running campaigns including:

  • the Positive Practice Environment campaign for health professionals, focusing on quality workplaces that attract and retain staff, improve patient satisfaction, safety and outcomes, and deliver cost-effective services
  • the Be Aware campaign to fight against counterfeit medical products

“The priorities and campaigns of WHPA are very much in tune with those of WCPT,” said Marilyn Moffat.

WHPA member organisations

The International Council of Nurses (ICN) – a federation of national nurses associations, representing the more than 13 million nurses working worldwide.

The International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) - the global federation of national organisations of pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists representing more than two million pharmacists around the world.

The FDI World Dental Federation (FDI) - a federation of approximately 200 national dental associations and specialist groups representing more than one million dentists worldwide.

The World Medical Association (WMA) - the global federation of national medical associations from around the world, directly and indirectly representing the views of more than nine million physicians.

The World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT) - the global voice for physical therapists/physiotherapists, with 101 national member organisations representing over 350,000 members of the profession.



4 件のコメント:

  1. 「国際協力のためのファシリテーター養成講座」おもしろそうやねぇ。ファシリテーターに必要なことは、話題への経験知とともに、人間学と思うね。りり~君なら十分スキルを身につけていけると思う。

  2. katabira no tsujiさん

  3. Y.Kです。




  4. Y.K.さん
